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DU8, Inline Scale Inhibitor, 1.05" Dist, 8gpm, DU8

Item #: DU8

Product Info

Supplier: Nelsen Corporation
Superior Water Conditioners magnetically alter the natural characteristics of hard water minerals, making it difficult for them to bond together and form a hard brittle scale. Instead, they remain in a suspended state and will either flow on through, or can be easily purged from, water-using equipment and plumbing systems. Superior technology also has zero environmental impact because it requires no energy or chemicals to operate. By maintaining a stringent, optimized formula based on flow rate and pipe diameter,

Superior Water Conditioners can be correctly sized and integrated precisely into any water system. Adhering to this formula ensures that the exact amount of water flows through the magnetic fields, producing the desired effect—a proven formula of system integration. Additional sizes and flow rates available on request.

Basket Riser Sold Separately.

Dimensions: DU8 - 2" x 12-3/8"

Item Specifications

  • Distributors and Parts
  • 2.60 lbs per EA

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